Note: Service for Dec. 23 at 6pm has been cancelled due to weather. Join us on Dec. 24 at 5pm! Note that there will be no in-person service on Dec. 25.

our beliefs

The Bible is God’s Word to us. It was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs about daily living. Because it is inspired by God, it is truth without any form of error.
(1 Tim. 1:13 & 3 :16; 2 Peter 1:20-21; 1 Cor. 2:13; Ps. 119:105; Prov. 30:5)

God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three personalities: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are coequal and are one God.
(Gen. 1:1, 26, 27 & 3:22; Matt. 28:19; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Cor. 13:14)

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is coequal with the Father and Holy Spirit. Jesus came to this earth in the flesh, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin and lived a sinless human life as God in a body. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He physically rose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. Jesus ascended to Heaven and will physically return again someday to earth to reign as King.
(Matt. 1:22,23; John 1:1-5,14; Heb. 4:14-15; 1 Cor. 15:3-4; Rom. 1:3-4; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Tim. 6:14-15; Is. 7:14; 9:6)

Humanity was created good and upright in the image and likeness of God. However, man by voluntary transgression fell and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God. Humanity's only hope of redemption is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
(Gen. 1:27; Ps. 8:3-6; Is. 53:6a; Rom. 3:23)

We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ: His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our good works or of any human efforts. It is received through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Eph. 2:8-9; Gal. 2:16, 3:8; Titus 3:5; Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 16:31; Heb. 9:22).

We regularly practice (usually once a month) Communion or the Lord’s Supper in our weekend services. Jesus initiated this practice (1 Cor. 11:28-32) as a way to help us remember His death and resurrection.

We practice baptism by fully immersing an adult person in water. Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but is simply a choice that is made to obey Jesus’ command and to follow His example. Teens are encouraged to be water baptized as well (those under age 18 must have permission from a parent or guardian). At Crossway, we baptize people “in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
(Matt. 3:13-17; 28;19; Acts 2:34-36; 19:1-6)

When a person begins a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit begins to live inside the believer at the moment of salvation. At Crossway, we also believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a biblical experience that follows salvation (Acts 2:1-4; 8:14-17; 10:44-46; Gal. 3:14-15). This baptism of the Holy Spirit is given to every believer who asks God for it.

God created marriage (Gen. 2:22). It is a covenant made between a man and a woman that makes them one (Gen. 2:24). The marriage covenant requires the married parties to be faithful, loving, and helpful to each other as long as they both shall live (Mark 10:31).

The family is the first and most important classroom and training ground for society. We believe God’s best vision for family is based on a marriage covenant between a man and a woman, which provides the child with the effective presence of both a father and a mother in their upbringing. The family provides the security, the heritage, and the perpetuation of morality without which no society can survive (Gen. 4:12; Eph. 6:14).

Crossway Community Church is affiliated with the World Assemblies of God Fellowship (formerly known as simply "Assemblies of God"). You can find more info about the WAGF here.

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